Robot Framework Foundation Partnership

Indexnine’s Collaboration with the Robot Framework


Indexnine is excited to join forces with the Robot Framework Foundation, a vibrant community of over 10,000 active members dedicated to knowledge sharing and collaboration in test automation.

Commitment to Open Source

This collaboration reflects Indexnine’s dedication to the open-source movement. By contributing to the development of the widely-used Robot Framework, we are actively participating in shaping the future of automation technology.

Driving Innovation

Working alongside other organizations and experts in the field, Indexnine aims to drive innovation in test automation practices and tools. This synergy will enhance our ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

Global Networking Opportunities

As part of this dynamic community, Indexnine gains access to a global network of more than 12,000 supporters. This connection opens doors to valuable networking opportunities and fosters an environment of knowledge sharing.

Leveraging Resources

Through our affiliation with the Robot Framework Foundation, we can tap into a wealth of resources, including comprehensive documentation, training, and support from seasoned community members. This access enhances our capabilities and enriches our testing methodologies.

Influencing the Future

Our involvement allows us to have a voice in the evolution of the Robot Framework, enabling us to contribute to decisions that impact the community and its tools. This influence ensures that we remain at the forefront of industry advancements.

Enhancing Industry Leadership

This collaboration not only highlights Indexnine’s expertise in test automation but also positions us as a leader in the industry. Our commitment to excellence enhances our reputation among clients and peers alike.

Engaging with the Community

We look forward to participating in community events, workshops, and meet-ups, further increasing our engagement and visibility within the test automation landscape. Together, we are excited to explore new horizons in automation technology! This version maintains the core messages while varying the language and structure to create a more engaging.

Leverage the Power of Automation